It was fantastic in the first half of 2020 to have the opportunity to work with a new client. Voluntary organisation, Neighbourhood Watch contacted me to discuss their upcoming annual awareness campaign – Neighbourhood Watch Week 2020 – during the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and national lockdown.
Neighbourhood Watch support individuals and groups to create safer, stronger and active communities. They believe in a caring society that is focused on trust and respect, in which people are safe from crime and enjoy a good quality of life.
At the height of the pandemic, the UK saw a surge in neighbourliness as people looked out for the vulnerable and talked to those next door more than ever before – a silver lining to the cloud Covid-19 had cast over their daily lives. Neighbourhood Watch decided that their annual Awareness Week would be a good time to say thank you and celebrate those actions our neighbours have taken no matter how small or big and commissioned illustrator Tony Husband to create a serious of drawings celebrating these relationships.
My design remit was to take these illustrations and develop a style for the campaign resources – including social media assets, posters postcards and downloadable bunting templates – to be promoted in the lead up to and during the 2020 campaign which ran from 7–13th June.
Find out more and see the full suite of resources on the Neighbourhood Watch website.