To coincide with the publication of their new study Relationships, Recession and Recovery, relationships charity Relate approached me to design an infographic to bring the findings to life.
The report – which shows that couples worst affected by the recession are eight times as likely to suffer relationship breakdown – identified 6 people groups and reported on their different experiences of recession: job loss, optimism for the future, perception of current and future financial situation, working overtime, satisfaction with employment and being behind with bills.
My brief was to develop 6 characters to represent these groups from 'Forging ahead' (largely unaffected by the recession) to 'Distressed & disengaged' (the group worst hit by the economic downturn).
Working alongside Relate's digital marketing team, we developed the concept of a 'Top Trumps' approach to the graphic, with each group having their own 'game card, which used a simple illustrative style and iconography to enable a quick overview of each person's experience of the recession.
Find out more here.