YoungMinds are the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health. I’ve been honoured to work regularly with them over the past six year on a range of design projects.
In early 2023, their comms team was in touch to bring their “Deconstructing the System” report to life. The report reflects on the previous three years have been particularly tough for young people.
A global pandemic, political instability, cultural shifts and global crises had come together to make life feel unpredictable and difficult. The report places a spotlight on the resulting young people’s mental health crisis. It brings together the voices of tens of thousands of young people who shared their experiences of the world around them.
It was an honour to present the young people’s perspectives in a 48-page publication, which was published digitally and also in print.
The full version is available for download on the YoungMinds website, where a summary of the report’s findings can also be found, along with other incredible resources and information on young people’s mental health issues.